Dietitian sitting on leather couch smiling directly at camera

What's on offer - 1:1 services & digital products

Nutrition Presentations & Workshops 

Tailored nutrition presentations to educate and empower your workplace or community group.

Online dietitian consultations

Personalised nutrition support for a range of health conditions, and nutrition related goals.

Getting Started Gluten Free (eBook)

Your go to guide for adapting to gluten free living, packed with gluten free meal ideas and healthy on-the-go snack options.

I'm not just a coeliac disease dietitian (although coeliac disease and gluten free diets are my specialty!), I also support conditions and situations including: suspected gluten sensitivity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis, GORD, PCOS, nutrition pre/post bariatric surgery, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, nutrient deficiencies, nutrition for improving sports performance, and general healthy eating.

I provide telehealth dietitian consultations, via video or phone call, to support you no matter where you live. You will receive your consult link in your appointment confirmation email, and don't worry, you won't need to download any apps, software or create a login or account. All you need to do is simply click the link provided and you will be taken straight to your video consult!

The GF Dietetics 'Getting Started Gluten Free' meal and snack guide is available for purchase in the online store. This is your go-to for easy, tasty and healthy gluten free meal and snack ideas, whether you are cooking at home, going to work, or are out and about - there will be something here for you!